Sunday, August 10, 2008

San Antonio / Sea World August 2008

We headed to San Antonio on Friday (8-8-08) afternoon to take Andrew to Sea World for the first time. We had a great time! It was very HOT!!! Andrew loved it and can't stop talking about it.
2 year old + portable DVD player and headphones =
happy quiet road trip!!!

When we got to San Antonio we went to Market Square and had a late dinner at La Margarita. After about an hour wait we got a table...outside!!!

Saturday morning. Andrew is ready to go!!!

We first went to Dolphin Cove but I didn't get many pictures because there were just so many people. But Andrew loved the Dolphins!

Then we went to Sharks / The Coral Reef. It was super cool.

I know that does not look real, but it was!! There were tons of them.

It looks like those fish are going to eat Andrew!!!

2 of the Beluga's had just given birth about a week ago. We got to watch them swim together.

We ended the day at Believe with Shamu.


Krystal Cummins said...

He looks so cute with his hair buzzed off!! He has the sweetest face. Looks like a fun place too.

Tracy said...

Hey! This is Tracy, Krystal's friend. Your little boy is SOOO cute! I can't beleive how big he is now!!! :) They grow so fast!