Saturday, August 16, 2008

Rough Riders game August 16, 2008

Tonight we went to the RoughRiders game in Frisco at the Dr. Pepper Ballpark.
It was so much fun!!

Andrew would not let me take his picture so I just put the camera in front of him and took one. He was not happy because I was in the way!!

In the JC Penny Club eating dinner and watching the game.

Andrew's BATMAN tattoo!!

...and Spiderman

The game was almost over and he still did not want his picture taken!!!

1 comment:

Krystal Cummins said...

What a little toot! They never want their picture taken when you want to take it. He looks relly sweet in the next to last pic though. Such a sweet smile. Rough Rider games are fun, we went last year to one, it was neat.